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how does one buy that lantern? got all the 21 coins and 20 are required for it, but no idea how to buy it :-/

You have to collide with the lantern to collect it, when you have enough coins.

didnt seem like it got bought as colliding with it did anything.
well, beat he game anyways :-)

Really nice game, just to short for my taste :-)

Thanks. It is just a short prototype, but maybe i work on it more in the future. :)

i like it but im stuck - how do you fire upwards ? seems you need to do it to get out of the section im in but nothing is working ...

ok ive restarted and checked the instructions - should be pointed out that firing up only works if you start firing first then press the up key ... thats why it wouldnt work !

Thats strange. When I tested it, everything works fine. But thank you very much for the feedback. I look again if i can finde and fix this problem

for me I can do either:
first press up, then shoot.
or first shoot, then aim up


densch from below kryll ?

(1 edit)

maybe...? ;-)

are you, monster and co still playing the game or is it completely dead now?

Even though it's probably a bit hard to get it to play since the script kiddies and other losers made us abandon flash :-/


i hardly play now , only a few of the old players left and not many creating levels so its pretty dead ... it still works fine though !

huh okay, I cant even play it anymore cause flash player got force deinstalled a while ago.
well, the site didnt exactly work for me before either as I only saw the intro page and no login fields would show up.

Sad, very sad.
Sure remember the days before.

still have a bunch of levels unfinished which I never got to cause I basically have no imagination at all and couldnt come up with anything good.

hopefully below kryll will at least continue to exist as some sort of archive, so people can still explore all the many levels out there. even if noone is left to actually build new levels.

was a nice time with below kryll, not gonna lie.
even hough I disliked having to earn some premium currency to buy each and every premium item if you wanted to use it.
should have made it a purchasable perma unlock or something.

but this all doesnt matter anymore as we reach again an end of an era :'-(

Thats how it should work.